8 Proven Ways to Protect Your Eyes from Diabetic Retinopathy 

best treatment for diabetic retinopathy

Diabetes is a disease that affects multiple organs like the nervous system, skin, joints, eyes, kidneys, blood vessels, etc. It can affect different parts of the eye. Amongst all these, retina is most commonly affected. Involvement of retina is harmful and can cause various symptoms ranging from subtle vision loss to total blindness. So today we will go through 8 proven methods which can help you to stay away from diabetic retinopathy.

  1. Strict control of Diabetes: This is the most important factor that can keep you safe from Diabetic Retinopathy. You should frequently monitor your fasting, and post-prandial blood sugar levels. Also, HbA1c blood test will help you to determine your sugar control over the last 3 months. Regular consultations with a physician regarding drugs for diabetes control is mandatory. 
  1. Balanced diet: Take help of nutritionists to plan the perfect diet for yourself so that sugars remain well controlled. You will need to cut down on fats, unwanted sugars and any additional salt intake. Cessation of alcohol intake is also necessary. 
  1. Regular Exercise: Any physical activity of moderate intensity is sufficient. Exercise indirectly helps to regulate sugar levels. Even basic activities like brisk walking, and cycling will do. Aim for weekly 150 mins of moderate intensity physical activity.  
  1. Stop smoking: It is now established that smoking contributes to the worsening of diabetic retinopathy as it hampers the normal blood supply to the retina. 
  1. Control of other contributory health conditions: Hypertension, deranged lipid levels (cholesterol, triglycerides), cardiac problems are known to worsen diabetic retinopathy.  
  1. Regular routine dilated eye evaluations: Early changes of diabetic retinopathy are without any visual symptoms. Hence an annual retina check-up is mandatory for all diabetic patients, irrespective of any visual complaints. This is necessary as it can detect the disease at the earliest and measures to prevent further worsening can be employed along with any best treatment for diabetic retinopathy, if needed.  
  1. Stress management: Stress causes hormonal imbalance raising your cortisol levels which indirectly causes insulin resistance. Do utilize different ways like meditation, yoga, etc. to be stress-free. Adequate sleep is also necessary for reducing stress and maintaining hormonal balance.  
  1. Watch for any symptoms: If you experience any floaters, blurring, pain, redness, vision loss, make sure to visit an eye specialist. You may need some form of treatment to prevent further vision loss. 

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