
We specialize in patient care

Welcome to Shree Venkatesh Eye Institute’s, where innovation meets precision to ensure the highest standards of eye care. Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with the latest advancements in ophthalmic technology, curated to provide unparalleled accuracy and safety in every procedure. From advanced diagnostic instruments for early detection to specialized surgical tools for intricate procedures, we prioritize excellence in every aspect of patient care. Explore our comprehensive range of instruments designed to support our commitment to restoring and preserving vision with utmost care and expertise.


VISX Eximer Laser System

IOL Master 700



AB Scan Biometry


Non Contact Tonometer

Auto Lensmeter


Optical Coherence Tomography

Slit Lamp


Country Origin: Singapore Model Humphrey Field Analyzer 3 Manufactured By Carl Zeiss

Use: To detect Visual field defects. The automated perimeter automatically tests suprathreshold and threshold stimuli and quantify depth of field defect

VISX Eximer Laser System

Country Origin: USA Model Star S4 IR Company : Advanced Medical Optics (AMO)

Use: Used For Refractive Error Correction of the eyes. The VISX Star S4 IR Excimer Laser System creates a customized laser vision correction surgery experience using the Wavescan Wavefront diagnostic system.

IOL Master 700

Country Origin: Germany

Model: IOL 700 Manufactured : Carl Zeiss

Use: The IOL Master ocular biometry is a test that measures the size of the eyeball, called axial length, and allows to calculate the dioptric power of the intraocular lens that is implanted during cataract surgery. Visualization of eye structures (macular, fovea) and acquisition of data of corneal thickness, Anterior chamber depth, lens thickness, and pupil diameter. It is a test that lasts only a few seconds


Country Origin: USA Company

Manufacturer: Alcon

Use: The CONSTELLATION® Vision System is an ophthalmic microsurgical system that is indicated for both anterior segment (i.e., phacoemulsification and removal of cataracts) and posterior segment (i.e., vitreoretinal) ophthalmic surgery.


Country Origin: Germany

Model: OCULUS Manufactured By : OCULUS , Inc

Use: Used For Refractive Error Correction of the eyes The VISX Star S4 IR Excimer Laser System creates a customized laser vision correction surgery experience using the Wavescan Wavefront diagnostic system. Corneal topography produces a detailed, visual description of the shape and power of the cornea. Pentacam is for diagnosis of corneal curvature abnormalities.

AB Scan Biometry

Country Origin: France

Model: Compact Touch

Manufactured By: Quantel Medical

Use: The Immersion Eco biometric is a specialized equipment for the theoretical measurement of the power of intraocular lens that will be used during cataract surgery. It also contributes to quantify the thickness of the lens and size of the eye.

B-scan ultrasonography (USG) is a simple, non-invasive tool for diagnosing lesions of the posterior segment of the eyeball. Common conditions such as cataract, vitreous degeneration, retinal detachment, ocular trauma, choroidal melanoma, and retinoblastoma can be accurately evaluated with this modality.


Country Origin: Japan

Model: RC 800

Manufactured:Tomey Corporation

Use: The computerized, autorefkeratometer quickly gives information about the refractive error of the patient in terms of sphere, cylinder with axis and interpupillary distance.

To assess accommodative status of eyes, Radial keratotomy and contact lens measurements.

Non Contact Tonometer

Country Origin: Japan

Model: RC 800

Manufactured: Tomey Corporation

Use: The computerized, autorefkeratometer quickly gives information about the refractive error of the patient in terms of sphere, cylinder with axis and interpupillary distance.

To assess accommodative status of eyes, Radial keratotomy and contact lens measurements.

Auto Lensmeter

Country Origin: Japan

Model: TL 7000

Manufactured: Tomey Corporation

Use: Measures Spectacle Power


Country Origin: USA

Model: iDesign A300

Company name: Abbott

Manufactured: AMO USA

Use: Wavefront Aberrometry is a widely used method of determining refractive error in the eyes of corneal refractive surgery patients. The aberrometer is a next-generation diagnostic tool that maps and analyzes corneal aberrations for wavefront-guided LASIK procedures.

This iDesign treatment plan is executed using the STAR S4 IR excimer laser system for a computer-driven custom laser correction, unique to each patient.

Optical Coherence Tomography

Country Origin: Poland

Model: REVO FC 130

Manufactured: Optopol Technology

Use: It is a non-invasive imaging test that uses light waves to take cross-section pictures of distinctive layers of retina. It can detect changes caused by glaucoma.

It allows to take live pictures of blood vessels and contributes for fundus examinations. To assess corneal thickness of the eyes for refractive error correction in Lasik treatment.

Slit Lamp

Country Origin: Ital

Manufactured by: CSO

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